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About Our Expertise on Dry Ice Expanded Tobacco

Supplying The Finest DIET Products





A Popular Technology With Many Benefits

Dry Ice Expanded Tobacco, or DIET is a technology that has gained popularity in the tobacco industry due to its many benefits. It is created through an expansion process that involves exposing the tobacco to pressurized liquid carbon-dioxide doubling the volume and resulting in extra filling power of the product.

DIET tobacco is a major ingredient in all international premium cigarettes world-wide, proving its value and indispensability. It is an essential component in a wide range of tobacco products, including cigarettes, MYO and RYO products, pipe tobacco, cigars and cigarillos.

In today's market, there are various tobacco products made exclusively from 100% DIET expanded tobacco. Furthermore, DIET is also used in shisha products, improving flavor absorption capacity and providing a clean and neutral smoking experience.

Benefits of Using DIET Tobacco

DIET improves the smoking experience by creating a lighter tobacco that burns evenly, resulting in better burning characteristics. It proves to be an effective tool for reducing tar and nicotine in cigarettes using tobacco lamina, making it a great choice for producing low-yield cigarettes.

The expansion process decreases the bulk density of the cigarette blend, leading to a significant reduction in manufacturing costs. It also doubles the tobacco volume and improves the product’s quality by giving it a consistent taste, while allowing for better preservation of leaf flavor and chemistry.

The increased filling power plays an important role in driving down the unit production cost in cigarette making. Moreover, using DIET enables the tailored production of cigarettes with specific quality characteristics, providing flexibility and customization to tobacco manufacturers.

An Essential

In conclusion, DIET tobacco is an essential component in the tobacco industry, offering numerous benefits such as improved smoking quality, enhanced flavor, cost reduction, increased efficiency, reduced environmental impact compared to other technologies, and easier customization of product characteristics.

We believe that DIET can take your tobacco products to the next level. Contact us to discuss how we can help you create tailor-made products that meet your specific needs and requirements.